Trunk Or Treat
Drop by and join us for our annual Trunk Or Treat celebration, beginning at 5:30 and ending when the candy runs out.
Drop by and join us for our annual Trunk Or Treat celebration, beginning at 5:30 and ending when the candy runs out.
Join us on Sunday, October 30, from 5-7 PM for our annual Trunk-Or-Treat!
Ready to cook up some fun? Cokesbury's Food Truck Party VBS invites children of all ages to get on a roll with God as a parade of Food Trucks rolls into their neighborhood for the summer's biggest party!
This VBS invites children to pray as Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6:11; "Give us this day our daily bread." These words serve as a reminder that everything we have comes from God — and that it's by turning to God in prayer that all of our daily needs are met.
At the center of the Food Truck Party is a special food truck called "On a Roll." Here, Kids (or "Chefs") will learn from the food truck's Top Chef, along with DJ Cupcake (an adorable cupcake puppet), about the Daily Specials (Daily Learnings), which are lines from the well-loved prayer that teaches us to turn to God to meet our needs.
Monday, June 27, 2022
from 1 pm – 6 pm
in the CAC Gym
All donors will also receive a
$5 E-Gift Card from the merchant of your choice and a coupon from
Chick-fil-A Calhoun.
For more information, to schedule an appointment, and to do your
RAPIDPASS, please go to www.redcrossblood.org
and enter sponsor code: calhouncomm
Calhoun First is hosting a Rise Against Hunger meal packaging mission event on February 13 after the 11:00 am worship. You can register to participate by going to http://events.riseagainsthunger.org/FirstUMCCalhoun2022 or you can call the church office. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity for missions and fellowship.
Second Saturday Men's Gathering is on February 12, beginning at 8 am in the CAC Gym with breakfast and a time of fellowship and prayer. At 9 am, we will jump into action with some cleanup and small tasks around the church, ending around 11 am. All men are invited to join us! Contact Chris Carson at 706-506-5031 or cdcarson@gmail.com for more information.
Scouting for Food. We are collecting canned goods, non-perishable items, toiletries, and household items starting on Sunday, February 6, thru the following Sunday, February 13. There will be collection boxes in the Fellowship Hall, CAC gym entrance, and in the lobby of the church office during that time. Please contact Audra Arnold, 706-307-3905, for more information.
We will have one worship service this Sunday, December 19, at 10:45 am. Our music ministry will be presenting their Christmas special with songs and scripture. We hope you come and tell others about it. Invite your family and friends to come worship with us as we usher in the Christmas season.
The American Red Cross will continue to test every donor for the COVID anti-bodies. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please go to redcrossblood.org.
On Saturday, October 16, from 3pm–5pm, we invite you to participate in the 12th annual Gordon County Hunger Walk! We will be meeting at the black & gold park pavilion.
Each year the Gordon County Christian Ministerial Alliance sponsors the Hunger Walk to raise funding for four of the Gordon County food pantries. We ask that you walk or sponsor walkers to raise money for this worthy cause. Donations can be made to the GCCMA and note “Hunger Walk” on the memo line.
This upcoming Saturday, October 9th, we plan to assemble at 8 am at the VFW on 406 W Line St, Calhoun, for a time of fellowship, sharing, and cleanup of ballfields. Bring a shovel and work gloves. Breakfast will be provided. We will be sponsoring a new tree sapling in honor of one of Georgia's fallen soldiers. All men are invited to join us! Contact Chris Carson at cdcarson@gmail.com for more information.
The American Red Cross will continue to test every donor for the COVID anti-bodies. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please go to redcrossblood.org.
VBS June 20-23, 6 pm - 8:30 pm
Students will begin their exploration from a whimsical lighthouse on an enchanted island, guided by a Lighthouse Keeper and Beacon the Puffin on an exciting quest. Using the Bible, children will learn how God's light shines in the lives of familiar biblical characters in Old and New Testament stories.
Thanks to your generous giving this will be a FREE VBS for our community. However, we still need your help in other areas. First, tell everyone you know who has children about our VBS. Reaching out to our community is vital! Secondly, sign up to serve in any way possible. We need leaders, people to make and serve snacks, and help with games and crafts. Finally, we can all be in prayer for VBS, the kids, leaders, and servants.
VBS is a great local outreach opportunity each year as kids grow in their knowledge of Christ, experience Christ, and come to know Christ for themselves. So please support our VBS in whatever ways you can.
If you would like to serve at VBS please contact Shea Walraven at 678-986-0454 or email at children@calhounfirst.com.
We would like to thank everyone from our church and community for your response to the blood drive. According to our Red Cross coordinator, all of our appointments for the upcoming blood drive have been filled. Thank you so much for your generous hearts and life-saving donations.
Calhoun Community Blood Drive
In the Calhoun First UMC Gym
All presenting donors will receive a LONG SLEEVE T-shrt and a coupon from Chick-Fil-A.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please go to www.redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: calhouncomm
Traditional Worship including Holy Communion and Candle Lighting in our Sanctuary.
Traditional Worship including Holy Communion and Candle Lighting in our Sanctuary.
Contemporary Christmas Worship in the gym
A special worship time for those who will be traveling for the Christmas holidays but still wish to have worship here at Calhoun First UMC. Travelers’ Christmas is on Monday, December 16 at 6:30 pm in our chapel. All are welcome! It will be a traditional service and holy communion will be given.
Attention all women! Mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, aunts. A women’s small group is forming.
We will have two opportunities for you to join us in the parlor for light snacks and a short chat; Sunday, October 6 or 13 at 12:15 pm after worship. You can contact Christy Bryson at 770-546-2755 or Lisa Archer at 678-576-4073 for more information.
Attention all women! Mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, aunts. A women’s small group is forming.
We will have two opportunities for you to join us in the parlor for light snacks and a short chat; Sunday, October 6 or 13 at 12:15 pm after worship. You can contact Christy Bryson at 770-546-2755 or Lisa Archer at 678-576-4073 for more information.
The Gordon County Ministerial Association is privileged to be able to sponsor the annual Gordon County Hunger Walk on Saturday, October 5 at 2 pm. The purpose of this event is to raise funds for four food banks in the Calhoun area and to raise local hunger awareness. Those walking are asked to make a donation or to ask sponsors to donate on their behalf. If you would like to contribute through the church, you may turn in your donation made payable to the church and marked “Hunger Walk” on the memo line.
You are invited to join together for food and fellowship on Sunday, September 29, 5:30 p.m. in the CAC. This will be a perfect opportunity to celebrate the beginning of autumn, catch up with friends, and meet new members of our church family. The church will provide fried chicken and beverages. You are asked to bring a favorite dish to share according to the food assignments below:
· ·A-L sides
· Q-T dessert
· ·M-P salads
· U-Z bread
KAIROS Prison Ministry #21 will take place the weekend of September 19-22. There are many ways you can be a part of this experience. You can use your Connect Card to sign up to be a prayer partner or to bake cookies. Please package your cookies 5-6 in a Ziploc bag and then place in a shoe box. You can drop off your cookies at the front office beginning on Wednesday, September 18, and no later that 12 noon on Thursday, September 19. If you would like to make a financial donation checks should be made payable to Calhoun First United Methodist Church with KPMI written on the memo line. Please contact Eric or Trey Prater or Mike Willett for more information.
Help us catch up on some much needed projects and general maintenance on Church Work Day. Some of the projects will include maintenance on the playground, the pews, the CAC chairs, pressure washing, and a general cleaning of some of our storage closets. Can you change a light bulb? Then you can help! There will be something for servants of any age, so bring the whole family and join us for a day of fellowship and to show how much we appreciate what God has given us! Donuts and juice for breakfast, pizza and drinks for lunch will be provided for all servants. Questions? Email us at trustees@calhounfirst.com .
Please bring a salad to share. We will be gathering newborn clothes for the birthing center at Gordon Hospital so please bring any that you would like to donate.